Moose Project > Work Packages

In the MOOSE plan five scientific questions have been described

in term of 5 Work Packages:

WP1- Mesoscale circulation


WP2- biogeochemical cycles and acidification



WP3- Biological communities and biodiversity


WP4- Rivers inputs


WP5- Atmospheric depositions




The challenges for MOOSE are to properly track and monitor the 1) Northern Current, flowing along the continental slope and recirculating north of the Balearic Islands, 2) the coastal/offshore exchanges, including cascading and 3) the formation of deep/intermediate waters offshore.  This is required to evaluate modifications of the deep water formation processes, which ventilate the basin.

This WP aims to observe and understand the nutrients (mainly nitrate, phosphate) and gases (O2 and CO2) dynamics in the NW Mediterranean Sea in relation to physical processes (convection, mixing, stratification) and anthropogenic/natural inputs (atmospheric and continental). The relation with biological production, the carbon export and the physical forcing is also addressed.


The aim is to set up a systematic end-to-end monitoring, including prokaryotic communities, phytoplankton, micro- and meso-zooplankton, in relation to environmental parameters in order to provide an overview of the evolution of biodiversity.


The challenge is to propose monitoring strategies to qualify and quantify rivers inputs to the Mediterranean Sea over the long term, from a reduced number of representative sites.

The challenge for MOOSE is to complete a network to improve the quantification of:

  • the anthropogenic deposition.
  • the terrigeneous natural inflows from North Africa (Sahara contributions)
  • the impact of atmospheric inputs on biogenic and metal traces budget

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