The MOOSE parameters regroup all basic parameters measurable today by eulerian and lagrangian platforms required to answer to the MOOSE questions and thus adapted for long term observation. They are mostly measured by already existing stations but still acquired with different frequency and sensors.
The choice of the MOOSE parameters is defined by the scientific issues identified in the Science Plan (See list of MOOSE parameters). All parameters are measured simultaneously and coordinately to characterize marine ecosystem and atmosphere. For that, it is necessary to identify, define and adopt the same standards of parameters (including units, accuracy).
Concerning the sampling strategy, it is necessary to separate direct high frequency measurement from autonomous sensors and indirect measurement based on discrete sampling and laboratory analyses. For all of them, the sampling rate is a compromise between the most fitted time resolution, depending on studied process, and the investment of scientific personal needed for the sample treatment. With the apparition of new autonomous sensors, sampling frequency of some parameters will increase in the future.