The MOOSE project is in line with the Barcelona Convention of 1976 (amended in 1995), and it complies with the recommendations of the Aberdeen Declaration and the Green Paper (Brussels, 29 June 2007) where observation of the sea is identified as one of the priorities of European policy in marine research for the years ahead This action would see the establishment of permanent, sustained monitoring and observation structures and networks, the underpinning data provision, information management and dissemination. On the longer term, MOOSE aims at strengthening the co-operation between the EU and countries on the south shores of the Mediterranean, in the field of marine environment (project called “International-MOOSE”).
The major issue is to develop an in situ observing system able to capture all scales of variability and avoid any aliasing effect due to sub-sampling. The required observing system able to address scales of variability ranging from the very small scale (1km horizontally, few days) to the basin scale (500km, months/years), passing by the mesoscale (15km, weeks/months). This is a very challenging goal and one could only achieve that designing an in-situ observing systems having different components complementing with information on the whole water column. Sustained surveys all year round, have to be accomplished by combining observations from ship surveys, moorings, lagrangian profiling float and gliders, in the coastal and open sea regions. Gliders are a new technology based on autonomous vehicles for profiling from top to large depths along sections across basins.